March 10, 2021
Maintaining the office equipment is a huge responsibility. You have to constantly keep a tab on the quality of standard of machineries such as computers, copiers, printers etc. There are many brands available in the UAE market. Selecting the right label for investing in office machineries is the first important step. A crucial measure in the later stages is keeping the performance of office equipment intact. For example, in case of copiers and printing machines, knowing a little bit about a toner cartridge helps a lot, as you understand how to use them more optimally. Here are a few things you can dig through.
Colour Categories Used in Various Toners
From a broad perspective, there are two types of toners – the black and white toner, and the coloured toner. The coloured toner is usually used in laser printers. The black and white printer uses a mono colour base. The laser printer with a coloured toner uses the base in CMYK format. C – Cyan, M – Magenta, Y – Yellow, K – Black – this is how the format stands. They create lovely colour combinations, especially while creating images.
Toner Replacement
This is actually very basic – when the toner is exhausted, you need to replace it immediately to keep the printer functioning. Modern laser printers indicate electronically when the toner is finished or about to finish. Keep in mind that different printers have different technologies to indicate various levels till which the toners have been used. Also, the refill specifications are different in each of the cases. You can judge the indication that the machine gives you, and change the cartridge accordingly.
Speedier Printing Compared to Ink
When you use a toner, then you get more efficient printing results. The speed is really impressive, especially when you compare the output you get from printers that function on ink. Hence, in little time, you would be able to print more volume. The degree of accuracy is more, too. There is more credibility attached to the branded cartridges used in top-rated printers.
The Issue That You Would Come Across
Smudging is probably the commonest issue that you are going to face while using cartridges. It means the printer is not able to function properly, showing inefficiency in spreading the toner liquid on the paper surface. If the cartridge is not clean, then there is a high chance of these things occurring. You can’t always rely on the automatic cleaning features of the equipment. At times, you need to clean the machine manually.
Buy Long Lasting Cartridges
Dig through to purchase best-quality cartridges at affordable rates.